'Up to around six months they have a gag reflex which means they hold their breath automatically,' says underwater photographer Lucy Ray. 水下摄影师露西·雷说,在六个月大左右,婴儿都会在水下出现咽反射的自然反应,因而能够本能的屏住呼吸。
Is so not good for my gag reflex. 对于我反胃可不是什么好事。
When I put the sword in my mouth, I will repress the gag reflex in the back of the throat. 当我把剑放到我的嘴里的时候,我要抑制喉咙后部的咽反射。
Emile: You know, once you muscle your way past the gag reflex, all kinds of possibilities open up. 艾米尔:你知道的,一旦你想办法克服呕吐的反射神经,任何东西都是可以吃的。
By paired-samples χ~ 2 test, we found that the diagnosis rate of dysphagia patients were significant difference between videofluoroscopy examination, bedside water-swallowing test and gag reflex test ( P < 0.01). 经配对计数资料χ2检验,电视透视检查对吞咽困难的检出率明显高于洼田饮水试验和咽反射(P<0·01)。